Added example and changed default configuration to use this example by default to be used out of the box.projects
21 changed files with 875 additions and 7 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
# How to use this example |
Please run |
`hugo --bind dev.localhost --baseURL http://dev.localhost --disableLiveReload` |
in this folder to view this example. Point your web browser then to |
[dev.localhost](http://dev.localhost:1313). |
Please also add |
` dev.localhost` |
to |
* Windows: `C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts` |
* MAC/Linux: `/etc/hosts` |
before running the example. |
**There is another readme when you view the page.** |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
--- |
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" |
date: {{ .Date }} |
draft: true |
--- |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
baseURL = "http://dev.localhost/" |
languageCode = "en-us" |
disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] |
ignoreErrors = ["error-disable-taxonomy"] |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
--- |
title: "Labertasche minimal implementation example" |
date: 2020-12-03 09:00:00 |
categories: blog |
--- |
This is a minimal example on how to implement Labertasche, |
using Bulma CSS. The CSS is not that important, however, it |
also shows how to utilize a modal dialogue to give your users |
a good experience. |
<!--more--> |
## Setup |
Please modify `mail_credentials.yaml` and make sure mail can be sent. |
Everything else is set up. You can run flask with pycharm or on a local |
server. It is up to you. I recommend using pycharm with the flask parameters |
`--host=dev.localhost --port=1314`. Make sure `dev.localhost` is in your |
hosts file and resolves to ``. This is necessary to set a cookie domain. |
The server will not be able to run without. |
## Where to start? |
Start by reading `layouts/_default/baseof.html`. Notice the Javascript. |
It has the default `labertasche.js` included and a custom file, where I |
handle the callbacks. In production, you would concat these files using |
the Hugo asset pipeline. I've left them separate, so you can see what is custom and what is included. |
The next stop should be `single.html`. There you can find the first go block |
needed, which adds the comments to each article in Hugo. Query for sections |
if you want to exclude certain sections or only allow one, e.g. `blog`. |
Last but not least, `comments.html` in the partials folder. This is where |
basically all the magic happens. Read the javascript functions as they appear. |
Basically, all I am doing is to query the DOM elements and adding/removing |
classes as I go, to display certain things. There is also a quick explanation further down. |
**Please note**: This version has a modified reply function, so it displays the |
hidden field with the reply id. |
This does not occur on the production version, but can be helpful for debugging. |
## Javascript functions explained |
This is a quick and short explanation of all javascript functions. Yes, you may use and modify them. |
### labertasche_text_counter() |
This function counts the amount of characters put into the text area. This is purely cosmetic and only the first |
filter. If users have disabled Javascript, they could circumvent this, so the server checks lengths too. |
### labertasche_validate_mail() |
This checks if the entered text is a valid mail address, with a regex match. This does not check if the |
domain exists or if the mail is _really_ an email, but that is done server side. It's only used to minimize false |
requests. |
### labertasche_modal_hide() |
This hides the modal dialog when the button on the modal is clicked. |
### labertasche_comment_not_found() |
When a comment is not valid, Labertasche will redirect to `dev.localhost?cnf=true`. This function shows a modal |
to inform the user about it. The JS for checking this parameter is in `baseof.html`. |
### labertasche_comment_deleted() |
Same as above, but with `dev.localhost?deleted=true`. This happens when a user deletes the comment via the link |
sent by mail. |
### labertasche_post_callback(state) |
This is the callback used via the Labertasche post function. It simply displays different modals when certain error |
codes are received. This is extremely useful, because you can inform your user about what is happening. |
### labertasche_reply_callback(state, comment_id) |
The callback for the reply callback. This does a little more, it displays a new button which the user can press to |
disable the reply and go to a parent comment. This is useful, because the user does not have to reload the site and |
therefore, does not need to type it all again, if the reply was done in error. |
## Feedback |
Hope this example makes it more comfortable to use Labertasche, please send me a mail or open an issue if anything |
is unclear. |
## Try it out! |
Scroll down and comment. This is only locally. Please note: If livereload is enabled, you may not see all dialogs. |
Turn livereload in Hugo off, if you want to see all of them: |
`--disableLiveReload`. |
The example comments also will disappear when you comment, as they are not included in the database. |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
--- |
title: "Stramine ad coniugiale hi Procne" |
date: 2020-12-04 08:00:00 |
categories: blog |
--- |
## Qui velox repperit |
Lorem markdownum spatio animas animorum Scyrumve Noctis gramine, fata, sit |
cives, cui mea. Abesto Thesea coniecit, in rictus *quem pedis caret* tutaeque |
sacra. |
1. Urit deae freto nubifer oculi |
2. Ferrumque dilata quaeque |
3. Mihi luminis color tandem mirum quodque |
<!--more--> |
## Videt accipiunt habet |
Potest rapto: nata honores, primos, laudamus scrutantur in. Similis incursurus |
enim inritata postes, est caelo, sis *nondum*, spumantiaque licet tenens |
conbibitur excutis levis. Spargit dedere laetissimus liquidi, ad mergit, lintea |
*armis erunt esse* aratri, sideraque piceis. |
Gestare petentes saevo multoque, ad *esset inhibere* omnibus, iter de Dixerat |
dira. Illi mora sed altera ferrum tibi, qui ignis aris nocti quatiens est. |
## Amplexus stantes paciscor tot unum |
Amens fugit membra flabat gemellam et Venus **protinus**. Gyaros esse tibi exhausta. Nulla sed |
numina linguae plura, prosiluit tamen, inscius, cui Phoebus circumspexit |
spatiumque **indigenae caecaque**. |
if (server + san < w(ospf, webMemory, speed_column + |
sli_vaporware_definition)) { |
kernelBarFile = archieSmishing; |
base_png_click(rte_warm, dongle); |
} |
var midi = addressP.router(reader.koffice(dslClickKeylogger(rpm, 2, |
dataRom), 5)); |
cd_media = koffice.dos.shortcut(3, html_boot.horizontal_trash_extension( |
subdirectory)) - tunneling(login, camelcase_cursor_opacity( |
flash_graphic, soap, serp_e_debug)); |
sdk_lte_software(5); |
## Attollit unde fingens |
Longeque frangunt, spectant temptavit, reperta invito, tectis face vos mirabile |
Cycladas. Reliquit voverat, quattuor imago utinam crudelem rapta, nomina ullos |
latuit resurgere. Terraque vitae. |
1. Senex et ipse esse cruentior caluere |
2. Sub quae |
3. Ubi sunt sedens cladis certamine maior hiscere |
Aequantibus admota; cuncta sit quod fugias dextra certaminis oro ecce auditis |
pater. Fluunt herbas si est. Animam precesque esse gradumque videndo vultum, |
lapides, fera **corpora temperat**, adnuit fortis. Se et Ceycis; ille tergo |
frondes hospitibus quoque et? Dixit inposuit in cetera pinus triplices convicia; |
rupit intus suorum, et? |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
{ |
"comments": [ |
{ |
"comment_id": 1, |
"email": "commenter1@", |
"content": "This is an example comment with over 40 characters.", |
"created_on": "2020-12-04 12:23:14", |
"replied_to": null, |
"gravatar": "d9eef4df0ae5bfc1a9a9b1e39a99c07f" |
} |
], |
"replies": [ |
{ |
"comment_id": 2, |
"email": "commenter2@", |
"content": "This is an example reply, to test if this works.", |
"created_on": "2020-12-04 12:24:19", |
"replied_to": 1, |
"gravatar": "d9eef4df0ae5bfc1a9a9b1e39a99c07f" |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
{ |
"comments": [ |
{ |
"comment_id": 1, |
"email": "commenter1@", |
"content": "This is an example comment with over 40 characters.", |
"created_on": "2020-12-04 12:23:14", |
"replied_to": null, |
"gravatar": "d9eef4df0ae5bfc1a9a9b1e39a99c07f" |
} |
], |
"replies": [ |
{ |
"comment_id": 2, |
"email": "commenter2@", |
"content": "This is an example reply, to test if this works.", |
"created_on": "2020-12-04 12:24:19", |
"replied_to": 1, |
"gravatar": "d9eef4df0ae5bfc1a9a9b1e39a99c07f" |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0, user-scalable=yes"> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/labertasche.css" media="screen"> |
<title>Labertasche Example</title> |
</head> |
<body class="is-family-sans-serif bg-darkslate"> |
<section> |
<nav class="navbar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation"> |
<a class="navbar-item is-size-4" href="/"> |
Labertasche Example |
</a> |
<div class="navbar-start"></div> |
<div class="navbar-end"></div> |
</nav> |
<div class="p-4"> |
{{ block "main" . }} |
{{ end }} |
</div> |
</section> |
<script defer src="/js/labertasche.js"></script> |
<script defer src="/js/mysite.js"></script> |
<script defer> |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
// Comments |
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; |
if (urlParams.get("cnf") === "true"){ |
labertasche_comment_not_found(); |
} |
if (urlParams.get("deleted") === "true"){ |
labertasche_comment_deleted(); |
} |
}); |
</script> |
<!-- Modal for notifications --> |
<div class="modal" id="labertasche-modal"> |
<div class="modal-background"></div> |
<div class="modal-content"> |
<div class="content p-5 mb-0 is-rounded bg-yayellow has-text-black"> |
<p class="title">Labertasche</p> |
</div> |
<div class="content p-5 mb-0 bg-deepmatte has-text-white" id="labertasche-modal-text"> |
</div> |
<div class="content p-5 bg-deepmatte has-text-white border-top"> |
<button onclick="labertasche_modal_hide();" class="button is-warning" aria-label="close"> |
OK |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<button onclick="labertasche_modal_hide();" class="modal-close is-large" aria-label="close"></button> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
{{ block "frontpage_article" . }} |
<article class="p-3 bg-deepmatte brdr-yayellow"> |
<p class="title has-text-white">{{ .Title }}</p> |
<p>{{ .Summary }}</p> |
<p><a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">Read the whole article...</a></p> |
</article> |
{{ end }} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
{{ define "main" }} |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="content"> |
{{ $last_article := (.Site.GetPage "blog" .Section).Pages.ByPublishDate }} |
{{ range last 2 $last_article }} |
<div class="mt-4"> |
{{ .Render "frontpage_article" }} |
</div> |
{{ end }} |
</div> |
</div> |
{{ end }} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
{{ define "main" }} |
<article class="container p-3 bg-deepmatte brdr-yayellow"> |
<p class="title has-text-white">{{ .Title }}</p> |
<div class="content has-text-justified has-text-white">{{ .Content }}</div> |
</article> |
<article class="container p-3 bg-deepmatte brdr-yayellow mt-5"> |
<div> |
{{ $file := replaceRE "^(.*)[\\/]$" "data$1.json" .Page.RelPermalink }} |
{{ .Scratch.Set "location" $file }} |
{{ partial "partials/comments" . }} |
</div> |
</article> |
{{ end }} |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
{{ $location := .Scratch.Get "location" }} |
<!--suppress XmlDuplicatedId --> |
<h1 class="is-uppercase has-text-white">comments</h1> |
<div class="mb-5" id="labertasche-comment-section" data-remote="http://dev.localhost:1314/comments/new"> |
<div class="control is-expanded"> |
<input onkeypress="labertasche_validate_mail();" |
onfocusout="labertasche_validate_mail();" |
maxlength="100" |
id="labertasche-mail" |
class="input" |
type="email" |
placeholder=""> |
</div> |
<div class="control is-expanded mt-3"> |
<textarea oninput="labertasche_text_counter();" |
id="labertasche-text" |
class="textarea" |
rows="5" |
maxlength="1000" |
placeholder="40 minimum characters, type something nice..."></textarea> |
<p id="labertasche-text-helper" |
class="help is-danger">Characters: <span id="labertasche-counter">0/1000</span></p> |
</div> |
<div class="control mt-3"> |
<button onclick="labertasche_post_comment(this, labertasche_post_callback);" |
class="button is-warning px-6 mr-4 is-medium" |
id="labertasche-comment-button"> |
<span>Comment</span> |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<article> |
<div class="media mb-5 brdr-yayellow my-shadow-subtle bg-compliment"> |
<figure class="media-left ml-0 mb-0"> |
<p class="image is-128x128"> |
<img alt="gravatar portrait" src="/images/default.jpg"> |
</p> |
</figure> |
<div class="media-content"> |
<div class="content mr-5 mt-2 has-text-left"> |
Pinned by <span class="fg-yellow"></span> |
<br><br> |
<span class="mt-5 has-text-justified"> |
<span> |
Come join the discussion and write something nice. You will have to confirm your comment by mail, |
so make sure it is legit and not a throwaway. Only the name part of it will be displayed, so |
don't worry about spam. |
</span> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</article> |
{{ if (fileExists $location ) }} |
{{ $dataJ := getJSON $location }} |
{{ range $dataJ.comments }} |
<article> |
<div class="media mb-5 brdr-yayellow my-shadow-subtle bg-compliment"> |
<figure class="media-left ml-0 mb-0"> |
<p class="image is-128x128"> |
<img alt="gravatar portrait" src="{{.gravatar}}.jpg"> |
</p> |
</figure> |
<div class="media-content"> |
<div class="content mr-5 mt-2"> |
<a id="comment_{{.comment_id}}" href="#comment_{{.comment_id}}">#{{.comment_id}}</a> |
Posted by <span class="fg-yellow">{{.email}}</span> <small>on {{.created_on}}</small> |
<br><br> |
<span class="mt-5"> |
{{.content}} |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="is-fullwidth bg-yayellow has-text-centered"> |
<a class="has-text-black" href="#labertasche-comment-section" |
onclick="labertasche_reply_to({{.comment_id}}, labertasche_reply_callback);"> |
reply |
</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</article> |
{{ range where $dataJ.replies "replied_to" .comment_id }} |
<article> |
<div class="media margin-left-128 mb-5 brdr-yayellow my-shadow-subtle bg-compliment"> |
<figure class="media-left ml-0 mb-0"> |
<p class="image is-128x128"> |
<img alt="gravatar portrait" src="{{.gravatar}}.jpg"> |
</p> |
</figure> |
<div class="media-content"> |
<div class="content mr-5 mt-2"> |
<a id="comment_{{.comment_id}}" href="#comment_{{.comment_id}}">#{{.comment_id}}</a> |
Posted by <span class="fg-yellow">{{.email}}</span> <small>on {{.created_on}} |
</small> |
<br><br> |
<span class="mt-5"> |
{{.content}} |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</article> |
{{end}} |
{{ end }} |
{{ end }} |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.5 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
// * _author : Domeniko Gentner
// * _mail :
// * _repo :
// * _license : This project is under MIT License
// *********************************************************************************/
/* |
//Callback example for post. Possible messages:
// post-min-length
// post-max-length
// post-invalid-json
// post-duplicate
// post-internal-server-error
// post-success
// post-before-fetch
function labertasche_callback(state) |
{ |
if (state === "post-before-fetch"){ |
} |
if (state === "post-min-length"){ |
} |
if (state === "post-success"){ |
} |
if (state === "post-fetch-exception" || state === "post-internal-server-error"){ |
} |
if (state === "post-invalid-email"){ |
} |
} |
// Callback for initiating and cancelling replies.
// Posstible message: 'on' and 'off'
function labertasche_reply_callback() |
{ |
if (state === "on"){ |
} |
if (state === "off"){ |
} |
} |
*/ |
function labertasche_reply_to(comment_id, callback) |
{ |
let comments = document.getElementById('labertasche-comment-section'); |
if (comments){ |
if (document.getElementById('labertasche-replied-to')){ |
document.getElementById('labertasche-replied-to').remove(); |
callback('off', comment_id); |
if (comment_id === -1){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
let reply = document.createElement("input"); |
reply.setAttribute("type", "text"); |
reply.setAttribute("id", "labertasche-replied-to"); |
reply.value = comment_id; |
comments.appendChild(reply); |
callback('on', comment_id); |
} |
else{ |
console.log("Missing text input with id labertasche-comment-section"); |
} |
} |
function labertasche_post_comment(btn, callback) |
{ |
let remote = document.getElementById('labertasche-comment-section').dataset.remote; |
let comment = document.getElementById('labertasche-text').value.trim(); |
let mail = document.getElementById('labertasche-mail').value.trim(); |
let reply = document.getElementById('labertasche-replied-to'); |
if (mail.length <= 0 || comment.length < 40){ |
callback('post-min-length'); |
if(btn) { |
return false; |
} |
return false; |
} |
let reply_value = null |
if (reply != null){ |
reply_value = reply.value; |
} |
callback('post-before-fetch'); |
fetch(remote, |
{ |
mode:"cors", |
headers: { |
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*', |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json' |
}, |
method: "POST", |
// use real location
body: JSON.stringify({ "email": mail, |
"content": comment, |
"location": window.location.pathname, |
"replied_to": reply_value |
}) |
}) |
.then(async function(response){ |
let result = await response.json(); |
callback(result['status']); |
}) |
.catch(function(exc){ |
console.log(exc); |
callback('post-fetch-exception'); |
}) |
// Don't reload the page
return false; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ |
function labertasche_text_counter() |
{ |
let txt = document.getElementById('labertasche-text'); |
let cntr = document.getElementById('labertasche-counter'); |
let maxlen = txt.getAttribute("maxlength"); |
let helper = document.getElementById("labertasche-text-helper"); |
if (cntr && txt){ |
cntr.innerText = txt.value.length + "/" + maxlen; |
if (txt.value.length > 40){ |
if (helper.classList.contains('is-danger')){ |
helper.classList.remove("is-danger"); |
helper.classList.add("is-success"); |
txt.classList.add('is-success'); |
txt.classList.remove('is-danger'); |
} |
} |
if (txt.value.length < 40){ |
if (helper.classList.contains('is-success')){ |
helper.classList.remove("is-success"); |
helper.classList.add("is-danger"); |
txt.classList.add('is-danger'); |
txt.classList.remove('is-success'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function labertasche_validate_mail() |
{ |
let email = document.getElementById("labertasche-mail"); |
let is_valid = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/.test(email.value); |
if (is_valid){ |
email.classList.remove("is-danger") |
email.classList.add("is-success") |
} |
else{ |
email.classList.add("is-danger") |
email.classList.remove("is-success") |
} |
} |
function labertasche_modal_hide() |
{ |
let modal = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal'); |
if (modal != null){ |
if (modal.classList.contains("is-active")){ |
modal.classList.remove('is-active'); |
} |
} |
} |
function labertasche_comment_not_found() |
{ |
let modal = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal'); |
let modal_text = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal-text'); |
modal_text.innerText = "The link you followed was not valid. It either doesn't exist or was already used."; |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
function labertasche_comment_deleted() |
{ |
let modal = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal'); |
let modal_text = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal-text'); |
modal_text.innerText = "Your comment has been deleted. Thank you for being here."; |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
/* |
post-min-length |
post-max-length |
post-invalid-json |
post-duplicate |
post-internal-server-error |
post-success |
post-before-fetch |
*/ |
function labertasche_post_callback(state) |
{ |
// Elements
let modal = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal'); |
let modal_text = document.getElementById('labertasche-modal-text'); |
let button = document.getElementById('labertasche-comment-button'); |
if (state === "post-before-fetch"){ |
button.classList.add("is-loading"); |
} |
if (state === "post-min-length"){ |
button.classList.remove("is-loading"); |
modal_text.innerText = "Your comment was not entered because it is too short. Please write at least 40 characters." |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
if (state === "post-success"){ |
button.classList.remove("is-loading"); |
modal_text.innerText = "Your comment was entered, but you need to confirm it, before it becomes active. Please check your mail!" |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
if (state === "post-fetch-exception" || state === "post-internal-server-error"){ |
button.classList.remove("is-loading"); |
modal_text.innerText = "Your comment was not entered because there was an error, which was recorded and reported automatically."; |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
if (state === "post-invalid-email"){ |
button.classList.remove("is-loading"); |
modal_text.innerText = "The email you have entered appears to be invalid. Please contact me if you think this was in error."; |
modal.classList.add('is-active'); |
} |
} |
function labertasche_reply_callback(state, comment_id) |
{ |
if (state === "on"){ |
let comment_btn = document.getElementById('labertasche-comment-button'); |
let parent = comment_btn.parentElement |
let new_btn = document.createElement("button"); |
new_btn.classList.add("button"); |
new_btn.classList.add("is-danger"); |
new_btn.classList.add("is-medium"); |
new_btn.classList.add("px-6"); |
new_btn.setAttribute("id", "labertasche-cancel-reply"); |
new_btn.onclick = function() { labertasche_reply_to(-1, labertasche_reply_callback); } |
new_btn.innerHTML = '<span>Cancel Reply</span>'; |
parent.appendChild(new_btn); |
comment_btn.innerHTML = "<span class='is-medium'>Reply to #" + comment_id + "</span>"; |
} |
if (state === "off"){ |
console.log("off"); |
let comment_btn = document.getElementById('labertasche-comment-button'); |
comment_btn.innerHTML = "<span class='is-medium'>Comment</span>"; |
let cancel = document.getElementById('labertasche-cancel-reply'); |
if (cancel){ |
cancel.remove(); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue