* Added class for internationalization to the project
* Added English and German language files
* Moved all strings to the language files
* Translated to German
* Added context processor to inject language file into every template
* Translated modals
* Added translation endpoint for Javascript
* Translated Javascript messages
* Improved dashboard javascript by removing duplicates
* Added class for internationalization to the project
* Added English and German language files
* Moved all strings to the language files
* Translated to German
* Added context processor to inject language file into every template
* Conversion script to new configuration layout. This is to prevent from secrets being loaded into memory aside from when they are needed.
* Updated code throughout the project to account for the new methods.
* New classes and code for new configuration layout
* New Javascript for backend to control all the dialogues
* Moved modals to separate files
* Smaller database model update
* Removed redundant code
* Added database upgrade path via the dashboard
* Admin password is now properly hashed
* You can now export all locations manually in event of an error
* Wrote a new module that allows database upgrades via the admin dashboard.
* Added a new table t_version that allows to check the version of the database.
* The upgrade path is for vanilla databases. It exports and backups data, then reintegrates it.
* Separated routes into single files for better management
* Added sql for streamlined example data
* Streamlined function names, streamlined template file names
- Removed 2 functions with unnecessary code
* Added javascript for project overview
* New library: tippy.js for tooltips
* Added new configuration options for projects
* Added cookie secure setting to flask