#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # /********************************************************************************** # * _author : Domeniko Gentner # * _mail : code@tuxstash.de # * _repo : https://git.tuxstash.de/gothseidank/labertasche # * _license : This project is under MIT License # *********************************************************************************/ import datetime import json from labertasche.models import TLocation, TComments from labertasche.settings import Settings from labertasche.database import labertasche_db as db from functools import wraps from hashlib import md5 from flask import request from flask_login import UserMixin from secrets import compare_digest from pathlib import Path from sys import stderr from re import match as re_match import requests class User(UserMixin): def __init__(self, user_id): self.id = user_id def is_valid_json(j): """ Tries to load the json to test if it is valid. :param j: The json to test. :return: True if the json is valid, False on any exception. """ try: json.dumps(j) return True except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print("not valid json") return False def default_timestamp(): """Timestamp used by the project to ensure consistency""" date = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) return date def time_to_js(obj): """" Returns a timestring readable by Javascript """ if isinstance(obj, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): return obj.isoformat() def alchemy_query_to_dict(obj): """ Used when exporting the data. It truncates the mail, removes the T from the date string, etc. :param obj: A single query item from sqlalchemy. :return: a dict with the query """ no_mail = re_match("^.*[@]", obj.email)[0] result = { "comment_id": obj.comments_id, "email": no_mail, "content": obj.content, "created_on": time_to_js(obj.created_on).replace("T", " "), "replied_to": obj.replied_to, "gravatar": obj.gravatar } return dict(result) # Come on, it's a mail hash, don't complain # noinspection InsecureHash def check_gravatar(email: str): """ Builds the gravatar email hash, which uses md5. You may use ?size=128 for example to dictate size in the final template. :param email: the email to use for the hash :return: the gravatar url of the image """ settings = Settings() options = settings.gravatar gravatar_hash = md5(email.strip().lower().encode("utf8")).hexdigest() if options['cache']: url = f"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{gravatar_hash}?s={options['size']}" response = requests.get(url) if response.ok: outfile = Path(f"{options['static_dir']}/{gravatar_hash}.jpg") if not outfile.exists(): with outfile.open('wb') as fp: response.raw.decode_content = True for chunk in response: fp.write(chunk) return gravatar_hash def check_auth(username: str, password: str): """ Compares username and password from the settings file in a safe way. Direct string comparison is vulnerable to timing attacks https://sqreen.github.io/DevelopersSecurityBestPractices/timing-attack/python :param username: username entered by the user :param password: password entered by the user :return: True if equal, False if not """ settings = Settings() if compare_digest(username, settings.dashboard['username']) and \ compare_digest(password, settings.dashboard['password']): return True return False def basic_login_required(f): """ Decorator for basic auth """ @wraps(f) def wrapped_view(**kwargs): auth = request.authorization if not (auth and check_auth(auth.username, auth.password)): return ('Unauthorized', 401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"' }) return f(**kwargs) return wrapped_view def export_location(location_id: int) -> bool: """ Exports the comments for the location after the comment was accepted :param location_id: The id of the store location to export """ try: # flush before query db.session.flush() # Query loc_query = db.session.query(TLocation).filter(TLocation.id_location == location_id).first() if loc_query: print(f"has loc_query") comments = db.session.query(TComments).filter(TComments.is_spam != True) \ .filter(TComments.is_published == True) \ .filter(TComments.location_id == loc_query.id_location) \ .filter(TComments.replied_to == None) bundle = { "comments": [] } for comment in comments: bundle['comments'].append(alchemy_query_to_dict(comment)) path_loc = re_match(".*(?=/)", loc_query.location)[0] system = Settings().system out = Path(f"{system['output']}/{path_loc}.json") out = out.absolute() print(out) folder = out.parents[0] folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with out.open('w') as fp: json.dump(bundle, fp) print(bundle) return True except Exception as e: # mail(f"export_comments has thrown an error: {str(e)}") print(e, file=stderr) return False def dates_of_the_week(): """ Finds all dates of this week and returns them as a list, going from midnight on monday to sunday 1 second before midnight :return: A list containing the dates """ date_list = list() now = datetime.datetime.now() monday = now - datetime.timedelta(days=now.weekday(), hours=now.hour, minutes=now.minute, seconds=now.second, microseconds=now.microsecond) date_list.append(monday) for each in range(1, 6): monday = monday + datetime.timedelta(days=1) date_list.append(monday) date_list.append((monday + datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59))) return date_list