#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # /********************************************************************************** # * _author : Domeniko Gentner # * _mail : code@tuxstash.de # * _repo : https://git.tuxstash.de/gothseidank/tweet2png # * _license : This project is under MIT License # *********************************************************************************/ import requests from pathlib import Path from platform import system from json import load as j_load from mail import mail from typing import Union from sys import exit class twitter: def __init__(self): self.path = str() self.credentials = str() if system().lower() == "windows": self.path = Path("twitter.json") else: self.path = Path("/etc/tw2hugo/twitter.json") try: with self.path.open('r') as fp: self.credentials = j_load(fp) except FileNotFoundError: mail("Could not find bearer token file! Script was discontinued.") exit(1) def handle(self): return self.credentials['twitter-handle'] def output_location(self): return self.credentials['output-location'] def get_latest_tweet(self) -> Union[str, None]: try: get_url = f"https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" \ f"{self.credentials['twitter-handle']}&count=1&tweet_mode=extended" header = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.credentials['bearer']}" } r = requests.get(url=get_url, headers=header) r.raise_for_status() try: # Get hashtag list tweet_tags = r.json()[0]['entities']['hashtags'] hashtags = self.credentials['hashtags'] found_not_allowed_tag = True for each in tweet_tags: # It's a blocklist and the hashtag is found if self.credentials['is_blocklist'] and each['text'] in hashtags: found_not_allowed_tag = True break # It is a list of allowed hashtags and the hashtag was found if not self.credentials['is_blocklist'] and each['text'] in hashtags: found_not_allowed_tag = False break # it is a list of allowed hashtags and the hash was not fonud if not self.credentials['is_blocklist'] and not each['text'] in hashtags: found_not_allowed_tag = True break # Is Tweet a reply? if self.credentials['omit_replies'] and r.json()[0]['in_reply_to_status_id']: found_not_allowed_tag = True if found_not_allowed_tag: exit(0) except IndexError: # No hashtags, that's fine pass return r.json()[0] except Exception as e: message = f"The api call to twitter failed, the server responded:\n'{e}'.\nScript was discontinued." mail(message) exit(1)