# Tweet2Hugo This python script fetches the latest tweet of a public user from twitter and outputs a json file to Hugo's data directory. This script expects two json files in `/etc/tw2hugo`, which should have `chmod 700` for a non-privileged user and no rights for the group. All files should have `chmod 400`. ## Setup This package depends only on the pip package "requests", which I recommend to simply install globally with `pip3 install requests`. You can also use the provided pipfile and install all dependencies into a virtual environment with `pipenv lock`, however, you will need to activate that environment in your automation script. Next, you will need to install the configuration files below: ## Needed configuration files /etc/tw2hugo/mail_credentials.json ``` { "enable": true, "smtp-server": "mail server", "smtp-port": 465, "email-user": "username for smtp", "email-sendfrom": "sender mail", "email-password": "passw0rd", "email-sendto": "receiving mail" } ``` /etc/tw2hugo/twitter.json ``` { "bearer": "bearer token of your twitter app", "twitter-handle": "twitter handle", "output-location": "/hugo/project/directory/data/latest_tweet.json" } ``` ## Why does it need email credentials? The script has the specialty that sends an email when something goes wrong, so I am notifed and can fix the issue. If you don't want that, replace `enable: true` in the `mail_credentials.json` with `false`. ## How does it integrate into Hugo? It puts the full json reply from twitter into the data directory, if correctly configured. From there you can do two things: * Automate the build (strongly recommended) * Build a template that uses the json data to build a twitter card. I build the template using a [partial template](https://gohugo.io/templates/partials/#readout). It sits in the directory `layouts/partials` and is called `latest_tweet.html`. The content is not very interesting: ```
{{ with .Site.Data.latest_tweet }}

@{{ .user.name }}

{{ .full_text | safeHTML }}

{{ slicestr .created_at 0 20 }} via {{ .source | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
``` The important bit is this go template instruction: ``` {{ with .Site.Data.latest_tweet }} {{ end }} ``` Between these you can simple call the keys from the json, so `name` in dict `user` becomes simple `{{ .user.name }}`. Neato, isn't it? If you want to know how it looks like, head over to my [website](https://tuxstash.de/) and scroll down to the footer. # Excluding hashtags Sometimes you do not want a tweet to decorate the hard work you call your web home. You can add the following to `twitter.json` to exclude certain hashtags: ``` "exclude": [ "politics" ] ``` You find sample configuration files in the `/etc/` folder in the project root.

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